Categories - Europe
14 posts

Where To Find the Best Food In Krakowfeatured

Krakow is understated, charming and has an air of melancholy about it. You can feel the history pulsing through the small streets, decades after they were home to some of our history’s most extraordinary events. Though I was only here for two days, Krakow left an impression on me. The main areas to explore are Read more


Where To Find The Best Food in Lisbonfeatured

  I am overwhelmed with how much love I felt for the colorful, charismatic and endlessly charming city of Lisbon. I went for the first time in 2009 when I was 27, but discovered a whole new appreciation for what the “seven hills” had to offer this time around at 35. I don’t know if Read more


Where To Find The Best Food in Parisfeatured

Paris was a slow burner for me. It’s not that I disliked it early on, but it wasn’t a love at first sight kind of situation, like other places have been before. Each time I visit I find myself falling into it a little deeper though, and truly beginning to understand and believe the mantra Read more


Where To Find The Best Food In Icelandfeatured

Iceland’s appeal isn’t just in its glaciers and geysers. Sure, driving the captivating countryside is a huge part of the draw, but the food will exceed expectations just as quickly. The term fresh seafood takes on a whole new meaning in this small country, completely surrounded by isolated, Arctic waters. The easiest way to understand Read more


Where To Find The Best Food in Madridfeatured

The following statement might sound somewhat counterintuitive, but it’s something I’ve learned to be true. Part of the lure, or maybe the advantage, that comes with being an avid traveler is actually the freedom you begin to feel that you’ve earned the right to start repeating places in which you are visiting. Sure, I still Read more


Where To Find The Best Food in Copenhagenfeatured

  I had been to Copenhagen once before in 2008, on what was actually my very first venture in solo travel. I remember feeling completely liberated, but also undoubtedly a bit scared, nervous and not completely sure of what I was getting myself into. It’s interesting for me to look back on that now, knowing Read more


Where To Find The Best Food in Londonfeatured

From April 2008 – February 2012 I lived in London.  London is my second home, London was the experience of a lifetime.  London is half of my heart.  The food scene in this sprawling, interesting, diverse and eclectic city rapidly changed and developed while I was there.  Now, in 2015, it does not seem to Read more

Where To Find The Best Food in Istanbul

Where To Find The Best Food in Istanbulfeatured

Istanbul is somewhat of a juxtaposition. It’s Old City versus New City, traditional versus liberal, European versus Asian. The food too can be described in much of the same way- you can easily grab a customary simit (sesame seed crusted bread rings) for $1 or an incredible pide (Turkish pizza) for a mere $2, or Read more


Norfolk County : Englandfeatured

Also on this return to England excursion were several great days spent north of London, in Leicester.  A day trip was taken from there out to the eastern coast, to Norfolk County, where a surprise dinner reservation was waiting after a long and lovely day of driving the beautiful rapeseed covered hills and visiting the (chilly!) English beaches. Read more


Where To Find The Best Food in Warsawfeatured

A few years ago, I was fortunate enough to spend a weekend in Warsaw with my friend Emily, who is Polish, but was living in London at the same time I was.  Many of her family members still live there, and to go with someone who is of that decent, speaks the language, and holds Read more
